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Dr Kamal Hossain proposes commission for NRB

Dr Kamal Hossain, president emeritus of Gonoforum, has proposed the interim government to establish a commission to address the challenges of the Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) community.
The commission will be given a mandate to address the challenges and explore new opportunities by engaging meaningfully with the diaspora community, Dr Kamal said in a letter dated September 4.
Addressing the Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus, he wrote, “I am very pleased and encouraged by the steps you are taking to address the urgent political and economic issues affecting the country…”
While proposing the establishment of the commission, he wrote that it could explore how non-resident men and women, particularly young people of Bangladeshi heritage worldwide, can participate and contribute more to the country’s development.
“I sincerely hope you will consider this proposal sympathetically and act at your convenience,” Dr Kamal wrote in the letter.
